
Top 5 tactics to prevent friendly fraud


Payments modernization is the key to helping credit unions gain and retain younger members


The battle for trust: The billion-dollar reality of APP scams


2025 auto lending trends: Mobile payments and self-service revolutionize customer experiences

A woman is using a mobile phone


Loyalty, mobile apps, and payments… Oh my!

The CSN study gives hope for advancements at the c-store, but in many ways, it raises nearly as many questions as it answers.


How acquirers can raise their game to be more, do more, and deliver more

The merchant acquiring landscape is evolving rapidly. How merchants handle payments is no longer seen as a purely operational issue – it’s now recognized as a strategy to drive revenue.


Why white label is a powerful strategy for merchant acquirers: 6 insider secrets to get it right

For many merchant acquirers, a white label approach to payments orchestration is a smart strategy to keep capabilities and platforms ahead of the curve to meet aggressive expansion goals.


The Strategic Pivot: Why Smart Merchant Acquirers Are Turning to Payment Orchestration

As competition intensifies and merchants move to multi-acquirer models, traditional acquirers must up their game with end-to-end solutions that offer greater choice, reach, and capability.

Mobile Payment Fraud Verification


Powering the world’s payments ecosystem with a best-in-class payments orchestration platform

Analyst firm Datos Insights recently released their Datos Matrix: Payment Orchestration Vendor Evaluation comparing payments orchestration vendors and named ACI’s merchant payments orchestration platform “Best in Class.” The main scoring categories Datos used to analyze payment vendors were provider stability, client strength, client service, product features, and functionality.


Navigating merchant payments with industry experts

Payments orchestration is a game-changing strategy that centralizes payment flows across multiple providers and systems, but not all solutions are built the same. As the global economy becomes increasingly digital, organizations face a significant shift in payment processing and management.

Prime time for real-time

Global payment trends
As the world adopts real-time payments, how does your market stand to benefit?


Need a refreshing spike in summer sales? Follow Amazon’s lead

Traditionally, the summer is a slower time for retail, with sales in the U.S. typically centered around key holidays like Memorial Day, the Fourth of July and Labor Day. In the summer of 2015, Amazon changed everything when it introduced Amazon Prime Day, its own all-purpose summer shopping holiday exclusively for Amazon Prime members. This helped the marketplace giant in two ways: it increased sales during a lull, and it provided an additional incentive to become an Amazon Prime member.


Pay with my hand? No way!

While I was watching the news, a story came on about a new technology coming to the local Whole Foods where you could pay with your palm.


5 Ways Optimizing Reconciliation Boosts Merchants’  Financial Health

Every merchant must reconcile transactions, but not every reconciliation tool is the same. Outdated back-end platforms can result in merchants missing out on multiple performance gains, while an automated, orchestrated approach can put their business out in front.


7 ways payments orchestration is a game changer

As payments continues to play a starring role in competitive sales strategies, merchants are increasingly turning to payments orchestration to help them build better end-to-end customer experiences and meet increasingly demanding operational KPIs.

A digital graphic of the globe, there are connecting lines to various different locations showing the digital sharing of information.


The complete guide to merchant payments orchestration

Payments orchestration platforms typically provide businesses with a single place to monitor and manage multiple payment systems, payment providers and multiple payment methods, allowing merchants to offer customers a wider range of payment options, while simplifying the payment process on the back end.


The Rise of 3Rs: Resilient Consumers, Retailing Convenience and Rise of Wallets

The first quarter of the year has been exciting for merchants, globally. While ACI’s recap for the 2022 holiday season indicated strong consumer optimism, despite economic headwinds, consumers remained headstrong through the first quarter of 2023. Higher consumer confidence could be seen in the 18 percent increase in transaction volumes, compounded by a 24 percent growth in transaction values.