
Top 5 tactics to prevent friendly fraud


Payments modernization is the key to helping credit unions gain and retain younger members


The battle for trust: The billion-dollar reality of APP scams


2025 auto lending trends: Mobile payments and self-service revolutionize customer experiences


A call for urgency: The payment industry’s compounding complexity conundrum

The payments industry is transforming at breakneck speed, from the emergence of new payment types to the increasing utilization of innovative technologies. These changes are causing a rise in complexity when managing payment operations. This compounding complexity is now reaching a fevered pitch, so much so that industry analyst firms are calling for immediate action and are looking at new pathways to address increasing market demands.


The evolution of payments: When size, speed, and change collide

The payments industry is the largest interconnected complex business on the planet. We can validate that statement in a myriad of ways – the sheer number of people and businesses transacting, the number of transactions themselves, or the total dollar value of those transactions, which are expected to exceed $3.


The payment industry has three Rs: Rules, requirements, and regulations

Every child entering primary school learns about the three Rs: reading, writing, and arithmetic. All three are essential for survival in society. The payments market has its own set of three Rs: rules, requirements, and regulations.


More widely available instant payments are coming to Europe: How Banks and PSPs can prepare for IPR

European payments are moving toward significant transformation as the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (EU) adopted the Instant Payments Regulation (IPR) in February 2024, entering into effect on April 8, 2024.

Someone tapping on their smartphone, there is a digital graphic added on top showing the various things you can do on a smartphone such as shopping, music, etc.


Banks are overwhelmed by payments data. Does unified processing offer a lifeline?

The volume of payments data available to banks today has surged almost to the point of overwhelm: it has created as many operational challenges as it has growth opportunities.


Unified payments processing is the solution to banks’ crushing compliance burden

Surging digital payment volumes and related compliance demands are heaping pressure on banks to scale their processing capacity and optimize operations.

Prime time for real-time

Global payment trends
As the world adopts real-time payments, how does your market stand to benefit?

Real-Time Payments


The 2024 global payments and fintech trends

ACI Worldwide has been supporting real-time payments since 2005, processing hundreds of millions of payments monthly across 26 networks. We provide software solutions to participant banks and central banks, facilitating secure real-time payment processing and offering fraud protection services.


Los sistemas de pago impulsan la expansión de los pagos inmediatos en Latinoamérica 

Aunque los pagos inmediatos son una realidad desde hace muchos años, no se puede negar que la transformación que supone el “tiempo real” ha despegado en Latinoamérica a un ritmo vertiginoso. No obstante, la tasa de adopción varía enormemente de un país a otro.


SEPA one-leg out SCT Inst (OCT Inst) : a great opportunity for new international services

Payment Service Providers in Europe should start looking at the significant possibilities offered by the newest EPC rulebook on One-Leg Out SCT Inst, to develop new business propositions by providing effective international transaction processing to their retail and corporate customer base.

Two women shake hands while others stand in line behind one of them


Historias de éxito de los principales sistemas de pagos inmediatos del mundo

En busca de las ventajas económicas de unos pagos más rápidos y eficaces, la mayoría de los mercados más importantes ya cuentan con sistemas de pagos inmediatos o los están desarrollando, por lo que la atención se está centrando en impulsar su adopción.

Dark blue circuit board with light blue lights crossing in middle


Next-Generation Payments in Aotearoa, New Zealand: A new dawn for growth

The relatively small scale of the Aotearoa market may discourage a high level of capital investment in payments infrastructure seen in markets such as Australia. Yet that shouldn’t be an obstacle to creating a highly resilient, agile, secure, extensible and scalable next-generation payments system.

Two women shake hands while others stand in line behind one of them


Revealed: The Stories Behind the Success of World’s Leading Real-Time Payments Schemes

In search of the economic benefits of faster and more efficient payments, most major markets either already have real-time payment schemes in place or in development, and attention is turning to driving adoption.