Industry Guides

From compliance and regulations to alternative payment methods and real-time payments, explore the trending topics in today’s world of payments

digital calculations


Alternative Payment Methods

From digital wallets to digital currencies, alternative payment methods are rapidly changing the payments landscape.

Financial Institutions

Your Guide To Taking On ISO 20022

What do new standards for high-value and real-time payments mean for your financial institution?

Healthcare Payers

Billing and Payments PCI Compliance

What you need to know about accepting bill payments while maintaining compliance with PCI and other security standards.


Payment Service Providers

Cross Border Payment Processing

Cross-border payments enable merchants to leverage local payment methods to support commerce strategy in the global marketplace — here’s how.

Financial Institutions

What Is Request to Pay?

Request to Pay is an emerging, global real-time payments channel that promises benefits for merchants, banks, acquirers and billers.

Financial Institutions

Why Make the Move to Real-Time Payments?

Increasingly, real-time payments — also referred to as immediate payments, instant payments, faster payments and rapid payments — are gaining traction in markets around the world. With more than 50 national real-time payment schemes in use globally, the time is now for companies to plan how they can capture the opportunities underpinned by real-time payments.

Financial Institutions

Real-Time Payments for the United States

An expert overview to accelerate your bank's real-time payments transformation.

digital binary chains

Financial Institutions

What is the New Payments Architecture?

Gain a comprehensive look at the New Payments Architecture initiative and how this impacts the future of U.K. interbank payments.

Financial Institutions

What Are Digital Payment Overlay Services?

Everything you need to know about Request for Payment, instant payments, mobile payments and more.