Case Study

Large financial institution introduces pan-European payments system

As part of its consolidation of regional, disparate payment systems, a large financial institution needed to replace a Pan-European hybrid network with a single, centralized operation.

The financial institution selected ACI’s Consumer Payment Processing solution to bring the various systems together.

ACI Payment Testing (ASSET) provides facilities to both emulate and test all elements of the underlying payment system infrastructure.

Disparate networks caused inefficiency and bloated costs

  • A large financial institution needed to replace a Pan-European hybrid network with a single, centralized operation.
  • The financial institution also sought a test environment capable of providing centralized data management.

BASE24 provides critical integration and streamlined operations

The new system would incorporate all regional and domestic point-of-sale (POS) terminals and domestic debit switches — essentially 13 types of transaction origination in the initial phase alone

  • BASE24 was chosen to integrate the bank’s various systems.
  • ASSET was selected to allow users to emulate and test all elements of the underlying payment system infrastructure.
  • ASSET was the only product on the market that met the financial institution’s key requirements.

Shorter testing and implementation cycles drive efficiency 

Following an initial consultancy phase, ACI’s engineers worked closely with the financial institution to create a test repository to support the 13 protocols and populate the test plans with appropriate cases. ACI and ASSET helped the financial institution meet its delivery goals, and with its ongoing use, the solution will continue to help guarantee the quality of future software delivery.

  • BASE24 was successfully deployed on time and within budget.
  • ASSET played a critical role in reducing the bank’s testing and implementation cycles.