Case Study

Mastercard utilizes ACI for integrated processing solutions

Mastercard uses BASE24-eps as the core processing engine for its Mastercard Integrated Processing Solutions™ (IPS).

Mastercard Integrated Processing Solutions was launched in 2008. In a single connection it delivers debit processing, prepaid processing, ATM driving, exception processing, fraud management and card inventory management. BASE24-eps is the core processing engine for IPS, and was chosen because of ACI’s experience and research, and 24 x 7 platform availability.

Responding to changing fraud patterns

Along with the increase in electronic payments, Mastercard was also seeing an increase in fraud and its systems need to be adaptive to address the changing fraud patterns that are occurring. Mastercard wanted to be able to improve the efficiency of its fraud detection tools through carefully applied transaction filtering, so that only those transactions that were at a higher risk of being fraudulent were checked in real time by the fraud tools, or even blocked completely.

BASE24 stops fraud in its tracks for Mastercard clients

The transaction filtering component of BASE24-eps allowed Mastercard to block prohibited transaction as well transactions with a high probability of fraud. Card users actually see the difference because they see less fraudulent transactions posted to their accounts. And MasterCard’s corporate clients see both the reduction in the direct cost of fraud as well as indirect cost of the lost relationships.