Conducted in March and April, this report addresses consumer preference and behavior at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. The restrictions enforced as a result of the pandemic led consumers to embrace the virtual and digital space even more than usual. According to the findings, this is especially true when it comes to billing and payments.

The 2020 ACI Speedpay Pulse revealed:

“Digital transformation has been on the rise across so many industries, and the pandemic is only pushing consumer demand further,” said Sanjay Gupta, executive vice president, ACI Worldwide. “Consumer preference is clearly digital, whether it’s related to payment methods, channels or billing statements, and billers need to address these demands or risk losing customer loyalty. Organizations must increase digital and mobile payment offerings and should also implement ongoing educational initiatives to help their customers better understand their options.”

ACI’s award-winning moBills technology, part of the ACI Speedpay solution, provides a seamless mobile billing experience for top global brands in industries such as utilities, banking, insurance, hospitality and auto lending.


Download the full report: 2020 ACI Speedpay Pulse: Billing and Payment Trends and Behaviors



The ACI Speedpay Pulse is a longitudinal consumer billing and payment trends research study conducted by Brownstein Group in partnership with ACI Worldwide. Each ACI Speedpay Pulse data set includes responses from a survey of at least 3,000 unique respondents (no repeat participation within a one-year period). Each survey sample is U.S. Census-balanced among adults age 18 and older who are responsible for submitting payments for at least two of their household’s monthly bills. Survey margin of error is less than 1.8 percent for questions answered by the entire sample. Questions with a smaller base will have a higher margin of error. If presented, stat testing is at the 95 percent confidence level. The survey was administered by Brownstein Group, an independent marketing communications agency in Philadelphia.