
ACI Worldwide and STET

STET collaborates to drive European instant payments adoption

This partnership facilitates faster adoption of instant payments while enhancing customer experience. Currently, 50 million instant cross-border payments are processed by STET and ACI Worldwide.1

STET and ACI Worldwide have been working together since 2017, offering banks and payment service providers (PSP) across Europe a seamless, end-to-end solution for the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) scheme, thus facilitating the transfer and settlement of instant payments with full pan-European reachability and contributing to making instant payments a strong foundation towards a unified European payment means. STET’s platform uses ACI Low Value Real-Time Payments in a SaaS environment, offering sophisticated routing and processing capabilities to enable its 20 member banks to connect directly to the European schemes, TIPS and RT1, hence providing full pan-European reachability and interoperability for instant payments.

See how an end-to-end instant payments solution featuring accelerated go-to-market timing lowers the cost of infrastructure investment.

Align with ACI and the largest clearing system in Europe

ACI currently powers 26 domestic and pan-regional instant payment schemes across six continents – including 10 central infrastructures – providing solutions to central banks, participant banks, fintechs, and other payment service providers. Globally, ACI covers approximately one-third of the countries that offer instant payment services, reaching about 3 billion people served by various organizations, including central governments, payment networks, banks, financial institutions, and fintech companies.

The collaboration between Europe’s leading payments processor STET and ACI Worldwide, a leading global provider of real-time payments software, means financial institutions and PSPs can go to market faster with an existing payment switch and pre-integrated gateway solution for cloud and on-premises deployment options.

  • 30 billion transactions annually handled by STET
  • 100% of French and Belgian banks served by STET
  • 25 billion Euros per day handled by STET

“By leveraging ACI’s state-of-the-art technology, banks and PSPs across Europe can connect to STET’s Instant Payments CSM quickly and cost-effectively provide broad European reachability.”

Regis Folbaum