Postilion PostCard Specialist

This course provides a focused view of the tasks performed by Postilion PostCard users.

Course Details


Instructor-led training


Postilion Basic Training


2-5 days

This course equips participants with the knowledge to configure Postilion Card as part of an installation of an ACI payment system. Modules detail how to configure PostCard to perform velocity and full authorization, PIN and card verification, card production, including the production of gift cards and EMV services.

Who Should Attend

Payments Specialized Training: Postilion PostCard is aimed at anyone who needs to configure a Card system to perform services to issuers. The core module is generic and applies to any EFT environment. The elective modules focus on specific uses of PostCard that may not apply to all environments, for example, PIN verification.

Module Objectives

  • Postilion PostCard Core Service: Teaches users how to configure Postilion PostCard to perform card production, including the production of permanent, temporary and anonymous cards and adding, activating, reissuing and replacing cards.
  • Postilion PostCard Issuing: Equips you with the knowledge to operate Postilion Realtime effectively. It provides an understanding of Realtime’s functionality, focusing on tasks that operators and administrators are likely to perform regularly. These include monitoring Realtime, scheduling and running jobs and querying transactions. Limited configuration, such as adding new support team members and card acceptors, is also included.

  • PIN and Card Verification: Equips you to configure Postilion PostCard to perform PIN and card verification (CVV/CVC checking) in a magnetic stripe environment.
  • EMV Services: Equips you to configure Postilion Card to perform EMV authentication. It also covers topics such as chip card transactions, EMV risk processing, EMV script processing and iCVV checking. The first part of this module, the EMV primer, is included to familiarize participants with basic EMV concepts.

Express Your Interest

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